Quartz, Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Amethyst

Rose Quartz

This widely diffused stone is often used for statuettes, carvings and other ornamental objects in the style of Chinese art. In the West it is cut en cabochon or as beads. Unfortunately, it faces strong competition from pink beryl, morganite, topaz and tourmaline.

It is white, clear, pale pink, various shades of grey, purple, etc.  in colour.

Quartz is a very common rock mineral and occurrs in various parts of the world.

Techinical Specifications


Moh's Hardness

Specific Gravity Structure Cleavage Refractive Index Double Refraction Dispersion Pleochroism Fluorescence
Rose Quartz 7 2.65 Hexagonal None 1.544-1.553 0.009 0.013 Weak Weak