"These are not books, lumps of lifeless paper, but minds alive on the shelves.'' - Gilbert Highet
In addition to Bruce Lipton, contributors include Deepak Chopra, Richard Moss and Neale Donald Walsch. |
On Oprah's Books page: It's a Miracle: Real-Life Inspirational Stories Based on the Pax TV Series It's a Miracle
By Richard ThomasBooks and booklets by Norma Hickox
The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of The Universe
"The Power of FLOW" - Practical Ways to Transform Your Life with Meaningful Coincidence By Charlene Belitz & Meg Lundstrom
Author Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi says in "FLOW," "More than anything
else, people seek happiness." The author is a professor and former chairman
of the Department of Psychology at the University of Chicago. He spent 20
years researching topics related to this psychology of optimal experience.
Happiness is sought for its own sake, but all our other goals -- health, beauty,
money or power -- are valued because we expect they will make us happy. Mihaly
began his happiness research by studying hundreds of "experts" --
artists, athletes, musicians, chess masters, and surgeons -- in other words
people who spend their time doing the activities they prefer. From their accounts
he developed a theory of optimal experience based on what he calls flow --
"the state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing
else seems to matter; the experience itself is so enjoyable that people will
do it even at great cost, for the sheer sake of doing it."
Further research indicated that flow wasn't limited to experts. Men and women,
rich and poor, young and old, regardless of culture, can experience flow.
The flow research included old women in Korea, adults in Thailand and India,
teenagers in Tokyo, Navajo sheepherders, and people working on assembly lines
in Chicago. And the research concludes that the happiest people spend much
time in a state of flow.
Elmer Green has been a leading light in the development of biofeedback. His lifetime of scientific and personal research into subtle energies served him well when presumed tragedy struck: His lifelong companion and fellow researcher, Alyce, experienced Alzheimer’s disease for several years before passing away. With a true researcher’s curiosity, Elmer discovered that his wife’s utterances were reminiscent of the Tibetan writings about the ‘bardos’ the realms described as transition points between life, death, and rebirth. This three-volume work is an engaging description of his journey to understand the nature of the Alzheimer’s experience, as well as his own life’s path. (Philosophical Research Society, 2001)
Can inner knowing be awakened in supposedly normal people? Constance Rodriguez believes so. In her first published book, this depth psychologist intelligently explores a broad cross-section of noetic practices, and lays down a unifying vision of the relationship between intuitive knowing and healing. Combining her explorations of the imaginal realm with on-the-ground experience as a therapist, Rodriguez is a fresh new voice in the quest for adequate expression of a truly noetic vision. This short book is a pleasant alternative to the confusing verbosity many authors laps into ‘connecting the dots’ between self-knowledge and the mysteries of insight. (1 st Books, 2003)
Using the story of Edgar Mitchell’s experiences on the Apollo 14 mission as her launchpad, investigative journalist Lynne McTaggart bravely and methodically chronicles the ushering in of a new scientific paradigm that takes into account noetic sciences, something that Cartesian and Newtonian worldviews have yet to do until now. McTaggart does a marvellous job of dissecting difficult scientific concepts, such as the theory of the Zero Point Field, so that nonsccientists can understand the implications of today’s frontier sciences. If you’ve wondered how IONS’ research and mission connect with scientific explorations into the nature of consciousness around the world, then this book is a must-have. (Quill, 2003)
A supposedly normal sixteen-year-old offers energy healing to an aging rock star diagnosed with terminal cancer to help him successfully stave off death. Is this the plot of a good metaphysical novel? In the case of ADAM, no. This Canadian teenager (whose last name has not been revealed because of privacy concerns) tells the fascinating true story of how he works with ‘energy’ to help himself and others recover from physical ailments. DreamHealer is more than the life-story of a young healer – or a mundane chronicle of miraculous events. Rather it is a manifesto for self-empowerment in the twenty-first century. (, 2003)
AWAKENING TO ZERO POINT - The Collective Initiation by Gregg Braden
Definition of Zero Point: The amount of vibrational energy associated with matter, as the parameters defining matter decline to zero. To an observer, the world at Zero Point appears to be very still, while the participant experiences a quantum restructuring of the very boundaries that define the experience. Earth and our bodies are preparing for the Zero Point experience of change, collectively known by the ancients as The Shift of the Ages. Gregg has had two near-death experiences which provide the intimate language through which he is able to share his insights. When you go to and read the ‘Interesting Images and Ideas (c.1926)’ you will get a glimpse of what Gregg Braden covers in this book.
“Ultimately, you will grow beyond the teachings of the outer masters. The more of yourself that you know, the fewer teachings there will be. The fallacy of the ‘Path’ is that there really is no path at all, there is only your experience.” – Gregg Braden
During my vacation this Summer I read and delightfully recommend:
My first book by this author and it will not be the last. This is speculative fiction that freely brings in current thought and life situations. The writing is highly creative, intelligent and witty. When the aliens make contact with our planet you will be chuckling at the antics. I will not tell you who's. A perfect Summer read, or any time you wish to relax and take life easy.
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