Questions and Answers: Looking for answers to life's pervasive questions
"Does this mean that even though I consciously wish to heal and my subconscious
is programmed to have a dysfunction, I will not heal that dysfunction? Are
we working out some unknown resolutions? I met a kahuna a long time ago. A
healer and he was passing over from cancer. I could not figure out why. "
Answer: Yes, when your subconscious is "programmed" to have a dysfunction,
you will not heal it or it will not stay healed until the "program"
is changed. Some subconscious programs and dysfunctions are willed by the
spiritual level of the soul for what might be termed a "soul challenge".
However, many subconscious programs are created by the emotional and mental
beliefs embraced by the mind in one’s early years - even as far back
as the womb or past lives. When these beliefs and emotions - many of which
are subconscious and therefore "forgotten" or not consciously known
- are altered, the subconscious program can be altered too. While it may take
time and effort and knowledge to be willing to alter "stuck" beliefs
and emotions the actual change can be instantaneous. It can take longer for
organic changes to occur because of the "mind set" that physical
changes take longer. A good hypnotherapist, especially one that uses proper
NMR can help to find the "unknown" beliefs and emotions causing
the dysfunction so they can be addressed and altered. The Kahuna with the
cancer may have had a soul challenge to meet or may have had an inner conflict
he had not addressed. Healers are like everyone else - it’s easier to
help others than to work with one’s own unresolved emotions and negative
beliefs - especially when they are "hidden". Interestingly, the
more advanced one is in consciousness the more resistance there seems top
be to healing by any method other than altering consciousness; i.e. resolving
negative emotions and altering negative or limiting beliefs. (addressing the
underlying thoughts/emotions.)
Question: "So when Jesus did healing, did he talk to them first or did he just know if they were ready (without blocks)? Or did he just do it and sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn’t? I’d love to know more details about how Jesus healed. I’m curious if he did something different and I’m thinking he must have or more people would be known for their healing powers, right?"
Answer: Some persons Jesus healed - such as the blind man - were part of his mission. The healing had been planned on the soul levels. You could say these people were "pro-programmed" by agreeing to be part of the demonstrations Jesus provided in order to catch the attention of the people. They were completely open to the healing energy of Jesus. What was that energy? The same as yours: God Light - the essence of every soul and spirit. Do you remember the woman who touched the hem of his garment and was healed? She was healed by her openness to the light in Jesus’ energy field. Whether she remained healed is not written - at least in Earth Records. Perhaps we will ask Master of Spirit if it is recorded in the Soul Records. More often, Jesus spoke at length to groups of people. He did this to help them change the beliefs and emotions that were making them ill. Once they did this, they healed themselves emotionally and mentally. Jesus would touch them to speed up the organic change with God Light - the life force of all life forms. When people did not change their minds - meaning their inner/outer thoughts and emotions - Jesus could not heal them. He would not even try. He knew better.
Many healers of the past and the present have demonstrated equal healing power as Jesus. What makes Jesus "different" are the "miracles" that truly "wowed" the people, such as changing water into wine, multiplying the loaves and fishes, raising the dead, appearing "alive" after his own death. These things truly awed people. It demonstrated power over physical limitations. The disciples added to the "mystique" of Jesus by making him seem "better" or "more" than being "merely" human. A mistake in our minds as this gives people the impression they can never hope to be like Jesus and so must invoke his name to intercede for them. This is not what Jesus taught. His teaching was "I am the way, follow me". His meaning was: ‘I am the example, follow my example". The message he wanted to convey was he, too, was human. He freed himself from negative emotions and negative, limiting beliefs. He lifted himself into his spiritual vibrations while embodied. This was the meaning of his life. His energy field became one of joy. There is no greater healing energy than joy. Joy is the emotion we feel when we are tuned into our essence: Light. His disciples were good men who achieved much in their own right. But they never fully understood his message or the meaning of his life. Which is why all are embodied today. They are still learning."
We welcome more questions.
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Question: Much is being said about intent, these days. What is the distinction between intentions and goals? How does an intent affect the future?
Meanwhile, your spiritual self tried to make the determination as to whether you really need more income or if this more income is only to serve desires of the physical body. If it finds this to be the case, then the intent to find a second source of income will not be there. If it finds that yes, you really are getting behind in your obligations and really do need to have more income, then the intent is there full force and puts the spurt of activity into the job search that is needed for success. I hope this helps.
The Game Plan P’taah through Jani King
It is a great joy to be with you once more. So, my dear ones, who has a query?
P’taah I was wondering about our dreams. Are the dreams that we have relevant to our time here in third dimension and what’s happening in our lives at the moment, or are they sort of multidimensional and going backward and forward between dimensions?
All of that. As with most of your queries, there is not one answer. Sometimes the dreams are to do with whatever is occurring in your day-to-days, whatever may be upon your mind. And much of the time you are traveling interdimensionally.
You have your journeys and adventures on many levels at the same time—let us say, in the same way that in your day-today lives not only are you existing in this reality, but you are also existing in other realities. So the only difference between the waking time and the dream time is that you are not focused in this dimensional reality. In a way, having dropped the focus of this reality, you may then go off on your adventures.
Now, as we have spoken many times before, if it is your desire to come to some sense of what is occurring in your journeys and travels, then you might write down for a period of time that which you recall upon waking. Sometimes the actual story of the dream is not that which is the reality or that which is significant, but rather, we would say, that which is the feeling generated by the story of the dream. Does that make sense to you? So in other words, you might have recurring dreams with different scenarios, but the bottom line is that you perhaps would feel that you are lost or that you are compromising yourself in some way in what you would call humiliating experiences in public places and so forth. You have all had these dreams, which is really the story of how you may feel about yourself in your world.
On the other hand, there can also be quite significant pointers to you about other dimensional realities, about how you are in your journeys in other places. So truly there is no hard and fast rule about what is occurring in your dream-time, in the same way that there are multilevels in your third-dimensional consciousness. And you can see how that is when you look at your day-to-day life and you see situations unfolding in your life and say to yourself, “How on Earth have I created this, because truly I did not consciously desire this,” or “This situation does not really make any sense to me insofar as I have not consciously created this.” Does that make sense?
So then you know that you have created this whatever-the-situation-is from a part of the psyche that you have not taken too much notice of, ideas and beliefs that you prefer perhaps not to look at. Whatever is occurring in your day-today life is appointed to what it is you believe, whether or not you consciously know that you believe it.
(Taken from Sedona Journal of Emergence, v.14, no. 5, May 2004, pp. 68-69)
Question: Is our consciousness being activated by holographic inserts, at this time?