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Windsor Inspirational Network

Offering you participation with the Holistic community of Windsor and Essex County

The aim of WIN is to bring holistic practitioners and alternate modalities into our awareness and to use the information gained in our daily life.  New thoughts and ideas are our opportunity to evolve, to grow and to truly become Self-Actualized.  We all need to come to a radical sense of self-acceptance, self-honor, self-recognition and worthiness.

Windsor Inspirational Network is about Community and the realization of unity in "Essence''.  Essence may be recognized as God, Spirit, Creator and All That IS, to name a few terms recognized by many.  When we discover Essence, we find that life is a continuously unfolding event and we are an extension of the creative source from which everything springs.  To be in ''The Flow'' has inspired many of us to seek the cause.

Anne K. Hudec

Founder and Coordinator of WIN.  Canadian coordinator of GOF (Group of Forty)

Events and Happenings in the greater Windsor - Essex area

The calendar shows the events happening in our local area.  You can add your own event as follows:

Click on 'Add Event' at the bottom of the calendar.  A page will open that will allow you to enter dates and times of the event, as well as a description.  An event website link can also be placed in the description area.  You are limited to about 300 words.  The event will appear on the calendar after vetting by the webmaster, usually within 24 hours.

You can also e-mail us your event by clicking the e-mail button at the top left page

You can print the calendar of events for your records by clicking on the 'Printable View"

A discussion board is also available to post comments on any topic of interest to the local community.


Familar Faces and Local Places and their Web Sites

Click on any of these for local sites of spirituality and harmony in Essex and Lambton areas

Contact Windsor-Essex area Practitioners


Linda Skowby 



 Roxanne Wagner

Certified Healing Touch Practitioner


Green Footprint

Massage & Reflexology

Debbie, 519-776-7676



 Sharron Parrott


The Tranquil Healing Room

Cindy Rivait

Reiki & Crystal Energy Practictioner


Nguyen Chiropractic & Rehab Centre

1918 Wyandotte St. E.

Windsor, ON, N8Y 1E4



Gail F. Yott


Taoist tai Chi Society



Women Making A Difference

Nancy Bolton  519-254-0418

JoAnne Muegge 519-250-3945

Hypnosis and Coaching

Louise Klimczak Cht.






“This is an age of many different cultures and religions that put forth to themselves their own concepts of dos and don'ts. Living in countries where more than one culture holds sway, it becomes difficult to know how to relate to other people, especially in the workplace or entertainment arenas. We are calling this Social Responsibility because it is a direction that has inherent necessities of behavior, one to another. The principals of right action here must be simply to accept the traditions and religious beliefs of others as their right, as it is yours. Then, if you are serious about getting along with these concepts, do some studying of what other people believe in and accept. You will find, amazingly, that the underlying ideas are really not so different from your own. This leads to the importance of Respect. There is very little respect being given to each other in these times, and it is showing up in how people are putting up mental and physical fences between each other. Is it really so hard to respect the person who bows down in prayer every day or those who dance in circles to find their connection with the infinite? Sometimes it is even difficult to respect religious beliefs that are far from your own in your own home town or as you travel around the world.

Dear ones, try to remember that you all come from the same place in time and space; you are soul beings trying to find and make sense of the world you live upon in any way, and primarily usually, with belief systems formulated a long time ago. Are we saying to toss them all out? No, of course not. But it is time to be realistic about what you really feel is right for your own inner belief system as you traverse this lifetime. What your parents, schoolteachers, ministers, etc., have taught may not seem just right to you, therefore many people simply turn their backs on spirituality in self-defense. The art of meditation was put into place many centuries ago by those who understood that they needed to get their own perception of what to believe and feel. And this is still the infallible way to connect with your own soul in its infinite glory in order to realize what you need to understand and trust. Then, when one looks and listens to the reams of books and articles, what is true for you personally can come into focus.
Human beings need to relate to other human beings and, very importantly, in affairs of spiritual belief, it is a longing that has to be fulfilled.. That is why churches are full of people who simply go there to be with other people who at least try to follow the right rules of living; this is a comforting way to live. We do see this as a responsibility for each human being to search out those groups who have a firm awareness of inner communication with the spiritual soul being each of you are and always will be, and
with the Eternal Energy you refer to as God. To live as a hermit and not relate to other people at all is to turn the back on the social part of the lifetime. The responsibility of a lifetime is to learn to live on the third dimensional plane, with all its highs and lows; to relate to other human beings in the best way possible, and to learn how to both give and to receive in equal graciousness.
We have indicated before that the world’s population is beginning to merge and that is especially true in the western continents. Many different cultures and religions are brushing shoulders with each other, and sometimes end up drawing back into their own little bubbles. It is time to break those bubbles and extend the hands of respect, curiosity, and understanding to those who are so different from your place in the world. Yes, it is a responsibility to connect with others; a responsibility to be kind and caring, to lend a helping hand when needed, to say hello and joint with all humanity; to finally realize you are no different as a soul being from all soul beings who are relentlessly striving to learn and to climb the spiritual ladder to the higher dimensions of time. Help each other, understand each other, and love each other. It is time.”

Global Spiritual Links

Click on these constantly updated sites to see what is new in the wide world of consciousness

Omega Institute Tom Kenyon EnlightenNEXT
Lucis Trust Carolyn Myss Hand Clow
Kryon Kirael Awakening a Global Vision
Love Without End Odyssey of the Soul Spirit Wheels
The Awareness Foundation Abraham-Hicks  Hampton Roads Publishing 
Fire the Grid Crop Circles Science of Spirituality
Center of Being Djwhal Khul Mark David Gerson
View from Space Dick Suthpen Norma Hickox
John C Davis Sharon Prince Elaine Grohman
James Tyberonn Drunvalo Melchizedek The White Wing Collective
Hay House Lightworker




Taoist tai Chi Society
Temples of Damanhu Noetic Sciences The Venus Project


Former WIN Pages

Past WIN Meetings

Recommended Readings

Scenic, Inspirational, totally impressive slide shows:

(please note that these may require a high-speed connection for fast dowload and PowerPoint reader)

Blue Beauty Mysterious Staircase What a Wonderfull World
Kromeriz and Gardens Fabulous Pictures from China Beauty of Canada

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